Child Find of America estimates 2,300 kids disappear daily, with NISMART citing five primary causes. These are miscommunications, running away, getting lost, injury/stranding, familial abduction, and abduction by a stranger. We want to provide children with a safe place to develop and succeed. We will explore how to ensure their safety in 2023, focusing on these issues.

Make children a priority to protect them

Parents should maintain close relationships with their children, being kind and listening to them, loving them unconditionally, and understanding their mannerisms, playmates, and interests. This will ensure the child’s safety and make it easier for parents to locate them if they go missing.

Help them develop good judgment

For children to make wise decisions, it is important for them to feel good about themselves. Research shows that children who have experienced harsh treatment tend to develop a negative outlook as adults. Parents can help their children develop good judgment by allowing them to make decisions early while maintaining control.

Teach them about child safety

Kids need to grasp the distinction between family and strangers and be aware of the risks of vehicles. Instruct them in correct street-crossing from an early age, and make sure they feel secure. Additionally, parents should lead by example, not using phones when crossing the street, to carry the behavior into adulthood.

Invest in technological security measures 

Technology simplifies our lives and safeguards our kids when we are absent. Investing in tech to keep an eye on them when they’re indoors, connected to the web, or out and about can bring assurance. Examples of such tech include internet firewalls for cyber security, wearables like airtags to track missing children, and home security systems to protect children from house invasions.

Teach kids to trust their instincts and stand up for themselves

Parents must teach their children the values of self-trust, self-respect and the importance of standing up for themselves by staying safe and trusting their instincts. Without these values, children may be unable to recognize when something is wrong or when they are being taken advantage of, leading to a lack of self-confidence and a fear of trying new things.

Teach them about consent

Studies show that many children suffer from unwanted sexual touching by the age of sixteen. Parents should allow their children to decide who gets to touch them, protect them from unnecessary touching, and teach them about their private parts belonging only to them. This will help prevent sexual exploitation. Establishing a “no secret” rule can help children be more open and honest about any issues.

Take preventative action and become your child’s first responder

Parents often fear something terrible happening to their children, and it is important to be prepared. The first 72 hours in a missing person’s case are crucial, and having DNA and Fingerprint information can help to speed up the process. Be Your Child’s First Responder was started in response to this need, and they offer a Respondent Kit with 15 items for $45 to help parents be prepared.

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